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We are a family owned and operated business.
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We are a family owned and operated business.
Printed instructions for use
All brclog instructions for use (IFU) are available here on our website. If necessary, a printed copy of the IFU can be ordered here at no additional cost
Downloadable PDFs
• IUCRD-H Disposable Respiratory Circuit Hospitak rev.00
• IUMMC-H Disposable Medium Concentration Mask Hospitak Pediatric rev.00
• IUMA-H Hospitak Disposable Aerosol Mask rev.00
• IUMAC-H High Concentration Disposable Mask Hospitak rev.00
• IUIN-H Disposable Nasal Interface Hospitak rev.00
• IUGI-H Disposable inFlow Generator Hospitak rev.00
• IUG-H Disposable Beanie for inFlow Hospitak System rev.00
• IUEV-H Disposable volumetric respiratory exerciser Hospitak rev.00
• IUEF-H Disposable Flowometric Respiratory Exerciser Hospitak rev.00
• IUCT-H Hospitak Disposable T Connector rev.00
• IUCRE-H Expandable Respiratory Circuit for Adult Disposable Anesthesia Hospitak rev. 00
• IUCNS-H Hospitak Disposable Soft Clear Nasal Cannula rev.00
• IUCN-H Hospitak Disposable Nasal Cannula rev.00
• IUCG-H - Disposable Guedel Cannula Hospitak rev. 00
• IUCD-H Disposable Connector Hospitak rev.00
• IUBC-H Bubble CPAP Disposable infant system with nasal pronouns Hospitak rev.00
• IUAN-H Disposable Nipple Adapter (spout and nut) Hospitak rev.00
• IUVP-H Hospitak Adjustable PEEP Valve rev.00
• IUUB-H Hospitak Disposable Bubble Humidifier rev.00
• IUTS-H Hospitak Disposable Oxygen Supply Tube rev.00
• IURR-H Reusable Manual Resuscitator Hospitak rev.00
• IURD-H Hospitak Disposable Manual Resuscitator rev.00
• IUNPM-H Small Volume Nebulizer with Hospitak Adult Disposable Mask rev.00
• IUNGV-H Hospitak Large Volume Disposable Nebulizer rev.00
• IUNB-H Small Volume Nebulizer with Disposable Nozzle Hospitak rev.00
• IUMV-H Venturi Disposable Mask Hospitak rev.00
• IUMVA-H Venturi Mask Adjustable Disposable Hospitak rev.00
• IUMP-H Disposable Pressure Manometer Hospitak rev.00
• IUMNRT-H Total Disposable Non-Rebreathing Mask Hospitak rev.00